Distinct Street Zones

Assure that each Walkable Streetscape provides adequate width for pedestrians to walk and pass in each direction.

Distinct Street Zones.

Along streets, pedestrians need ample space to walk, and to pass other pedestrians who are walking in the other direction or standing briefly.

This pedestrian travel zone will vary depending on the population of the area, but in general it is a minimum of 1.5 meters, or approximately 5 feet.

More ideally it is at least 3 meters, or 10 feet. In addition, there is a need to accommodate seating areas and commercial elements such as planters and signage, which generally require another 1.5 meters or 5 feet.

Finally there is a need for a zone for street trees, light poles and other elements, which require approx- imately 1.5 meters or 5 feet.

All together, the space for the pedestrian right of way should be at least 4.5 meters or 15 feet, and more typi- cally 6 meters or 20 feet, not including any additional yard space for adjacent buildings.

There is also a need to accommodate bicycles, which can pose dan- gers to pedestrians. The best way to do both is to have a separate travel lane for bicycles at a separate grade, between the pedestrian area and the parking zone, or other protective zone between bicycles and vehicles.

In low-speed street areas – typically those with speeds limited to 30 kilometers per hour, or about 20 miles per hour, the bicycles can trav- el safely in the vehicle lanes.