Public Space Patterns

Make the space between building a place to live too.

digraph { node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=lightgray] rankdir=LR "Place Network" [fillcolor=lightgray] "pre-Place Network-one" -> "Place Network" "Place Network" -> "post-Place Network-one" "pre-Place Network-two" -> "Place Network" "Place Network" -> "post-Place Network-two" "Walkable Streetscape" [fillcolor=bisque] "Avenue" [fillcolor=lightblue] "Avenue" -> "Walkable Streetscape" "Greenway Corridor" [fillcolor=lightblue] "Greenway Corridor" -> "Walkable Streetscape" "Multi-Way Boulevard" [fillcolor=lightgray] "Multi-Way Boulevard" -> "Walkable Streetscape" "Walkable Multi-Mobility" [fillcolor=lightgray] "Walkable Multi-Mobility" -> "Walkable Streetscape" "Perimeter Buildings" [fillcolor=lightblue] "Walkable Streetscape" -> "Perimeter Buildings" "Human-Scale Detail" [fillcolor=lightblue] "Walkable Streetscape" -> "Human-Scale Detail" "Movable Seating" [fillcolor=lightgray] "pre-Movable Seating-one" -> "Movable Seating" "Movable Seating" -> "post-Movable Seating-one" "pre-Movable Seating-two" -> "Movable Seating" "Movable Seating" -> "post-Movable Seating-two" "Capillary Pathway" [fillcolor=lightgray] "pre-Capillary Pathway-one" -> "Capillary Pathway" "Capillary Pathway" -> "post-Capillary Pathway-one" "pre-Capillary Pathway-two" -> "Capillary Pathway" "Capillary Pathway" -> "post-Capillary Pathway-two" }